
Knob-billed Duck

This has got to be one of the strangest looking ducks I’ve ever come across! The Knob-billed Duck (Sarkidiornis melanotos) is also known as the ‘Africa Comb Duck’ in some parts and it hails from […]


BC Postcard

I’ve done several posts in the ‘postcard’ series, but never a British Columbia one, until now that is. This is a shot taken off the north eastern coast of Vancouver Island a little past Campbell […]


Mongoose Montage

There are over 30 species and sub-species of mongoose worldwide mostly found in Africa, with some in Asia and India. Here we see four of them – the Banded Mongoose (Mungos mungo) top left and […]


White-bellied Go-away-bird

The oddly named White-bellied Go-away-bird (Crinifer leucogaster) is one of three species of ‘go-away-bird’, which are in fact members of the ‘turaco’ family of birds, which is another odd name in itself. Apparently turaco means […]


Butter and Eggs

Butter and Eggs is a well used name in North America for this plant – the Common Toadflax (Linaria vulgaris), also known as Yellow Toadflax. A perennial herbaceous plant species of Europe and Asia, but […]


What Are They Looking At?

I’m sorry, but the title seems to sum up the behaviour of these two young giraffe in this particular shot perfectly. These two youngsters had actually been necking, no I do not mean kissing – […]


Hadada Ibis

The odd, but at the same time, spectacularly looking Hadada Ibis (Bostrychia hagedaash) is a fairly large ground foraging bird found across sub-Saharan Africa. When foraging they have glands at the tip of their bill […]


Eye Level

Some of the best shots you can get as a nature photographer are those with direct eye contact with your subject. Being in a small inflatable at low tide in the Khutzeymateen provides great opportunities […]


Mara River Sunrise

The Mara River flows 395km from Southern Kenya, through the Serengeti region of Northern Tanzania and finally down into Lake Victoria. During the northern rainy seasons it can be quite a fierce fast flowing river […]


Cory’s Shearwater

Last fall I brought you the ‘Great Shearwater’ which I spotted for the first time last summer off the coast of Newfoundland. Well, earlier this year off the coast of Tenerife, I was fortunate to […]


World Lizard Day

Did you know today is ‘World Lizard Day’? No, neither did I, at least not until I started doing some research on the Mwanza flat-headed rock agama lizard (Agama mwanzae) featured here. Lizards are dying […]



Over a couple of days whilst in a part of Tanzania known as the Ngorongoro Conservation Area I got to see three cheetah brothers on a few separate occasions and one thing that really stood […]


Leopard Tortoise

The Leopard Tortoise (Stigmochelys pardalis) although not often thought of as such, is a member of the turtle family of reptiles found across eastern and southern Africa. Partly for shade and partly for survival, leopard […]


Young Fox Portrait

Early one morning last month I was able to revisit one of the areas were I found some fox kits last year. It was just an ‘off-chance’ visit in the hope that the adults might […]


Zebra Foal

There’s just something about baby animals people can’t seem to resist, they seem to instantly melt your heart and you find yourself saying ‘ah’ without even realizing it, even if it’s just to yourself! Whilst […]