
This baby elephant (see also Peek-a-Boo) as I’ve said before was thought to be less than two weeks old when we happened upon his small herd, but boy was he so inquisitive and a handful for his mum and sisters. On this occasion we were sat a good distance from him and his mum watching them feeding on some bushes and shrubbery. Bored with this, the little fella decided to see what else he could find for amusement and seeing our large green truck decided to head over for a look see (note the shadow on the ground). He came right over to us in next to no time, lifting his trunk up by the window for a better sniff of what was inside. But, no sooner had he raised his tiny trunk and one of his older sisters, closely followed by mum, came up behind and wrapped her trunk around him and ushered him away back to the bushes. No panic, no nonsense, just come away over here and leave them alone. For us in the truck though, it was certainly a pretty special encounter! Check out the all new Tanzania Gallery for more.

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